Author: Greg
Olympia Comics Festival – Saturday, June 13
I’ll be tabling at the Olympia Comics Festival on Saturday, June 13th! The cartoonists-hawking-their-wares part is at The Vault, 425 Franklin St. SE, and runs noon-5 PM. Click the link for all the deets, and come by and check it out!
G. Fling on Facebook
Hi, kids, I now have a comics presence on Facebook. I think this will get you there, if you would like to join in the fun: G. Fling on Facebook. (You can also search “G. Fling” on there, although for some reason, “Greg Fling” doesn’t pull up my page. I’m working on it.)
I am officially resisting Twitter, however. Thank-you.
Cat Trouble
A post on Facebook got me thinking about cats and squirrels, so here’s an old comic about, well, that!
This story is from Flung #3, which is available in my Flung #1-3 book collection…which is currently on sale (as in, cheaper than normal) at my comics store!
Back from Stumptown!

G. (right) and helper monkey Kenny at Stumptown
The Stumptown Comics Fest was a blast…I got lots of great comics and introduced some new folks to my stuff as well. This time I had help at my table, thanks to the able and agreeable Kenny H., an old chum who offered to join me on the trip down from Seattle and who is a gifted drawing-maker in his own right – we’ll see if he gets bitten by the comics bug. I enjoyed cool new stuff by Corinne Mucha and Erika Moen, among others.
I returned home with a few extra copies of my print-on-demand books, so I’ve decided to put ‘em on sale – I’ve dropped the price a few bucks, and also getting them directly from me instead of from cuts the shipping down a bit too. Anyway, visit my comics store if you’re interested!
New Comics Ready To Go!
Smaller #1 and Flung #4 (the first issue of Flung in many a moon) are both printed and ready to go. I’ll have them with me at the Stumptown Comics Fest (table #101) – if you’re there, stop by and say hi!
They’re also up and available for order on my comics store – grab them and some older Flung issues or minicomics! (Original copies of Flung #1 and #2 and most of the minis are just available until I run out, so get them while they’re around.) Thanks!
Do You Like Music?
MarsBar, Sat., 3/14: double the Greg
The 2nd of two shows featuring your slacking comics pal Greg is coming up on Saturday, March 14th. I’ll be playing in two of the three bands playing that night at the marsBar at 609 Eastlake Ave. E., in Seattle. Should be a swell time, as both of the bands are great. I can say that because I am not the frontperson for either. That way it’s not egotistical. Anyway, Mountain Kids Fantasy opens the night, with Malkah Duprix on guitar, me on drums, and then we’ll have a few guest musicians sit in and stir it up a bit. Mighty Shiny is up next, also with me on drums. The third band is Hijack Maria, which I am not a member of. The show starts at 9 (probably fairly sharp) and cover is $6. If you check it out and have been meaning to pick up some comics, I’ll have a few with me, so just ask…and we’ll also have copies of the Mighty Shiny CD. Whee!
Below is the fine show poster put together by Rhonda Pelikan, singer/guitarist for band #2:
Music with Greg, if you’re in Seattle
I play in Mighty Shiny and we have a show at the Comet Tavern in Seattle on Saturday, 2/28. It’s an early show and we go on right at 5:00, followed by a secret guest band and then H is for Hellgate. Come check it out if you’re around and your early Saturday evening is free. Also, old pal and occasional comicbook character Mike will be sitting in for a song!
Please Stay Tuned
No new comics for awhile, I realize…I’ve been distracted by 1) music (two bands I’m in have a bunch of gigs coming up – visit and for the details); and 2) laying out and printing Flung #4 and Smaller #1 (unless I change my mind on the name) in time for the Stumptown Comics Fest. So: more blog comics coming shortly, and other doings doing also!